News for January

The Letterpress Revival continues with unabated enthusiasm, and demand for metal type remains strong.  Looking back on 2017 the records show that we cast 7,981 pounds of type in the calendar year.  Although that figure is somewhat below 2016, it’s about the same as 2015 and well in excess of every year prior to that.  And there are two good reasons why production was down from last year: first, Skyline bought some property in a nearby industrial park and we spent much of the summer preparing it for use as offsite warehouse and workshop space.  We’re out of room here at headquarters!  The second reason is the major redesign of the Skyline web site.  This was done in-house, and like everything, ended up being a much bigger job than we anticipated.  The new site went live on November 20 and performed well from the start. Our work is paying off—the number of orders that came in for the month of December on the new site was more than double the monthly average on the old one!

Production is now back to normal and we have two new items to release this month.  Collection No. 47 is the last and final set of 12 point em-body decorative elements cast from matrices acquired from a defunct foundry in India.

Border No. 1, also 12 point, is a delicate two-element Grecian pattern.

These and all our other Fonts, Borders, Collections and Initials can be viewed and impulsively purchased here on, and we invite you to do so.  Did you know that you can receive our monthly news bulletins automatically on the first of every month?  Just scroll to the foot of any page and enter your address in the Subscribe box.

Best wishes to all for a typographically exciting New Year!

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